December Specials
What is a sacred container? a quantum/energetically set and held space of power, healing and nourishment. The container is created to hold you during and in between sessions so that you optimize your souls capacity to heal. You receive energy 24/7 through the vibration of this container bringing the deepest transformation.
You are welcome to take advantage of this special and purchase up to 3 packages at a time.
You are welcome to take advantage of this special and purchase up to 3 packages at a time.
This deep feminine container is devoted to the revival of your feminine wisdom. The psycho-spiritual unification of the heart and womb are the life blood and soul of a woman. Through heartbreak and disappointment we lose our connection to life. Together we journey home.
This is the last special of the year available to all clients new and existing. This is a savings of $140. A new pricing structure arrives in 2022. From physical illness, emotional or spiritual nourishment and connection. Bring your ready heart and let us dissolve into love.
Details: Sessions run roughly 80 minutes.
We meet every 2 weeks with soul homework in between
Details: Sessions run roughly 80 minutes.
We meet every 2 weeks with soul homework in between
These sessions are for children of all ages. Is your child struggling emotionally? On the spectrum? Are they suffering from an illness of any kind? Going through hard teen years? I partner with parents to assist families through challenging times.